Failure to Yield: One of the Most Preventable Causes of Accidents

Failure to yield right-of-way is one of the most common causes of car accidents across the United States. Despite clear traffic laws and signage meant to organize the flow of traffic, many drivers fail to properly yield their right-of-way at intersections, pulling out into oncoming traffic and causing serious collisions. While the negligent driver is often at fault in these situations, many failure to yield accidents could be prevented through safer defensive driving habits. Learning more about these types of collisions is an important step towards staying safe on our roadways.

The Dangers of Negligent Yielding

Failure to yield accidents typically occur when a driver improperly pulls out in front of oncoming traffic with the right-of-way. For example, a driver attempting a left turn across traffic may misjudge the distance and speed of oncoming vehicles, turning in front of a car that is unable to slow down in time. Similarly, a driver entering a roadway, coming out of a driveway, or entering a highway ramp may fail to properly judge if there is enough space to merge. Due to excessive speed, distractions, or lack of attention, they may pull into the flow of traffic when it is not safe to do so.

The consequences of these improper maneuvers can be severe. Striking the side of a fast-moving vehicle often has devastating effects compared to rear-end collisions at slower speeds. Failure to yield accidents may also affect multiple vehicles, especially when happening in busy intersections. Victims can suffer severe injuries in the crash, including head trauma, broken bones, organ damage, and other life-changing consequences. Sadly, these accidents also frequently result in wrongful deaths.

Strategies to Prevent These Collisions

While negligent drivers are at fault for failure to yield accidents, defensive driving habits can help reduce risk on our shared roads. Some key strategies include:

  • Slowing down and double-checking for oncoming traffic before turning across lanes or entering new roadways. Assume other drivers do not see you or will fail to properly yield. Wait until you have clear space with no oncoming vehicles.
  • Paying attention to right-of-way signage and signals. Come to complete stops at stop signs and red traffic lights. Let vehicles with designated right-of-way pass through first.
  • Eliminating distractions while driving, especially near intersections. Put phones down and refrain from behaviors that take attention away from the road.

Practicing vigilance and patience around intersections can help reduce the likelihood of collisions caused by failure to yield right-of-way. While legal liability often falls on negligent drivers, safer defensive habits protect everyone sharing the road.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto accident caused by a driver’s failure to yield, be sure to contact an experienced personal injury attorney to understand your legal rights and options. An attorney can handle the insurance claims process on your behalf while you focus on healing and recovery.

Visit the law offices of William J Luse at 917 Broadway St, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577.

Call now for a free consultation on (843) 839-4795.

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