Myrtle Beach Criminal Defense Attorney

Been arrested? Got a traffic violation? We know exactly how to help you!

Criminal DefenseWe have experience in defending clients from simple traffic offenses to felony charges. Our top priority to give the best representation to help defend your case. Even if your case was an accident, or you committed a felony, we know what to do.

Our goal is to uncover the facts and present the evidence in your favor. Experience counts when it comes to your life! Dealing with an arrest can be an extremely stressful time from how to handle interrogations, to understanding your rights and the legal system. Being involved in a criminal defense court can be nerve wrecking, and we want you to feel confident about your case.

Don’t let the legal system confuse you and pressure you into pleading guilty if you’re not. Our firm has experience in handling criminal matters from the time of your arrest until the conclusion of a trial, and we take that experience right into court.

We will go to the jail to talk to clients and explain their legal rights to them, and assure them that they have representation at their bond hearing. Our firm will do what it takes to represent you or a loved one at a time of need from hiring a private investigator and subpoenaing documents to prepare for trial with a mock jury. Making sure you’re prepared before you enter the court, and feel good after you walk out is our top priority!

Don’t wait until it’s too late! Procrastinating will hurt your case so make sure you call the Law Office of William J. Luse, Inc. Accident & Injury Lawyers today for a legal consultation.

Our Criminal Defense Services

Get your legal consultation today!

Been charged with a crime? Don’t let it cost you your job, your family, or your freedom. Call (843) 839-4795 today to get a consultation. Contact Us!

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