Myrtle Beach DUI Defense Lawyer

Being arrested for a DUI can cause stress and anxiety. Our firm has represented hundreds of people who have been caught drinking and driving and we have the experience to help. It is important to get representation as soon as possible when charged with driving under the influence. You have a very limited time to request an administrative hearing, request a jury trial, and request discovery in order to preserve your rights.

DUIA first offense DUI can carry up to 90 days in jail depending on the circumstances of your case. In addition,  it carries a fine of up to $2,500.00 and if convicted your license will be suspended for six months. Further, if convicted of a first offense DUI you will also have to complete the Alcohol Drug Safety Action (A.D.S.A.P.) program and get S.R. 22 insurance before you can get your license back. As part of a first offense DUI, you may also have an administrative hearing. During the Administrative hearing, the Court could suspend your license for another six months and order your enrollment into the A.D.S.A.P. program.

Many companies now check background and driving records before hiring employees or do annual checks. In today’s world, it can be difficult to maintain a job with a DUI on your record.

A DUI offense also carries more severe penalties each time a person is convicted of the offense. As an example, a 2nd offense within a ten year period can carry up to a year in jail and has increased fines. One way to prevent a DUI 2nd offense is to never get a first. DUI offenses may also result in State mandated interlock devices being placed on your car.

Don’t risk your livelihood if you have been charged with a DUI hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer to handle your case.

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