Myrtle Beach Underride Truck Accident Lawyers

Have you been seriously injured in an underride truck accident? Call the Myrtle Beach truck accident lawyers of the Law Office of William J. Luse, Inc. Accident & Injury Lawyers at (843) 839-4795 now.

We’ve fought for our clients to obtain full and just compensation for their truck accident injuries for over a decade. We may be able to help you do the same. Contact us today for a consultation.

What Is an Underride Truck Accident?

An underride truck accident occurs when a vehicle traveling behind a tractor-trailer or truck becomes lodged under the rear of the tractor-trailer. Some tractor-trailers may have modifications made to them to try to prevent underride accidents. However, many tractor-trailers do not.

Frequent Causes of Underride Truck Accidents

Underride truck accidents typically happen when a truck driver comes to a sudden stop. A truck driver could fail to use a turn signal before making a turn, and when they slow down unexpectedly, a passenger vehicle driver may not have enough time to avert the underride collision. Likewise, a truck’s tail lights could be malfunctioning or broken so another driver may not be aware that a truck is coming to a stop. A truck or tractor-trailer could also come to a sudden stop due to distracted driving or inclement weather, causing an underride accident.

Common Underride Truck Accident Injuries

Oftentimes, when a passenger vehicle becomes lodged underneath the rear of a tractor-trailer or truck, the passenger vehicle’s safety features can become disabled from the impact. This can lead to life-threatening and often fatal injuries. Some common underride truck accident injuries include:

  • Paralysisunderride truck accident injuries
  • Brain injuries
  • Neck injuries
  • Back injuries
  • Amputation
  • Broken bones
  • Organ damage
  • Internal bleeding
  • Vision and hearing impairment or loss
  • Burns
  • Lacerations

Why You Need the Law Office of William J. Luse, Inc. Accident & Injury Lawyers to Help with Your Truck Accident Case

An experienced truck accident lawyer at the Law Office of William J. Luse, Inc. Accident & Injury Lawyers can help you get the justice you deserve.

The process of seeking compensation for underride truck accident injuries can be challenging. You would benefit from having an advocate who understands how to navigate the process of filing a claim or lawsuit, and who can use their legal skills to negotiate maximum compensation for your injuries.

When you file an insurance claim, the insurance company will likely try their best to reduce the amount of compensation they would have to pay you on behalf of the truck driver. The Law Office of William J. Luse, Inc. Accident & Injury Lawyers has gone up against insurance companies for years, so we already know what to expect and the best ways to combat the insurance company’s tactics so that you can get the compensation you deserve.

You’ll also want a tough attorney who can go to bat for you in court if we have to file a lawsuit to get you the compensation you’re owed. The Law Office of William J. Luse, Inc. Accident & Injury Lawyers has significant litigation experience, and because we’re so dedicated to our clients and confident in our skills, we prepare every case to go to trial. This means that, if we first file an insurance claim, should negotiations with the insurance company or responsible party be unsuccessful, we can immediately pivot towards filing a lawsuit and representing you in court.

Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that you probably have a lot of questions about your case and what pursuing compensation could look like for you. It’s our goal to not only fight vigorously for you but to maintain open and transparent communication with you throughout the entire process. We never want you to have any outstanding questions about what’s going on with your case and our next steps.

We’ve answered a few common questions some clients have had at the beginning of their pursuit for compensation and justice for you here.

How does being injured in a truck accident differ from being injured in a car accident?

Whether you’re injured in a truck accident or a car accident, your physical injuries, financial losses, and emotional trauma can be the same. Both types of accidents are traumatic and can cause serious injuries. Given the massive size of tractor-trailers and trucks, especially in comparison to passenger vehicles, truck accidents can cause more severe injuries and the risk of sustaining life-threatening injuries is greater.

Can I still be compensated if I did something to contribute to the accident?

You can still recover compensation for your losses even if you were partially to blame for the underride truck accident.

The comparative negligence doctrine applies in South Carolina personal injury cases. As long as you weren’t more than 50 percent responsible for the accident, you could still be entitled to receive compensation. However, your compensation will be reduced if you were partially at fault. Your compensation will be reduced by the same percentage as your responsibility for causing the accident. For example, if you were 20 percent responsible for the truck accident, and you’re entitled to receive $100,000, your compensation would be reduced by 20 percent to $80,000. But if you were 51 percent or more responsible for the accident, you would be barred from recovering your losses.

Who is liable in a truck accident?

In a truck accident, the trucking company would typically be the liable party. The liable party should compensate you. In some truck accidents, like some car accidents, the manufacturer of the truck could be found liable or share liability with the trucking company or driver. This can happen if an investigation finds that some mechanical error, for which the manufacturer was responsible, caused the accident.

Truck accidents differ from most car accidents in that there are rules, laws, and regulations that govern the trucking industry and how truck drivers and trucking companies have to operate. If there were violations of these rules and regulations and those violations caused the truck accident, it could be easier to prove that the trucking company was liable. If the truck company required the truck driver to drive more hours than they are federally allowed to, or if the truck company was not performing routine maintenance and inspections of the truck as required, the truck company could be found liable.

Contact the Law Office of William J. Luse, Inc. Accident & Injury Lawyers Today

If you’ve been seriously injured in an underride truck accident, you may be entitled to compensation. The truck accident lawyers of the Law Office of William J. Luse, Inc. Accident & Injury Lawyers can help you pursue the compensation you’re owed so you can focus on your recovery. You won’t owe us any upfront fees or charges until we get you money for your injuries. Call us today for a legal consultation at (843) 839-4795.

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